Monday, May 21, 2018

"If We Were Vampires"


The Grass you are in

The light

Your Skin Thinky Sin

from your house

Your heart

Right or wrong

Your hand

Searching in the dark

                                  Talk in the roof
Your questions
                                                                           The truth

Spending some days alone
                     in the rain

walking with in the rain
              Walking on water

One day i´ll be Gone

One day you´ll be Gone

Searching the light of your darkest heart.
The blood from the chest on your nails,

Knowing this can go on forever. If we were vampires and if death is a joke,

One day i´ll be gone. One day, you´ll be Gone

Laughing at all the lovers

The Iron Maidens

Laughing at  all the lovers

70K 70Gran

Feeling the need
Holding your hand, even if once and for a second
Making babies



Not bearing all the hopes


All my loving

All my loving and Kisses
Pretty Girls

Hocus Pocus

Fuel Gear Air traffic Control tower information Bird Clouds Weather Spitfire Mig F16

Last of my kind

Children of Children

Jason Isbell songs on CBC Radio

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