Sunday, September 24, 2017

Find the sound and the song of Iron Maiden in the Iron Lady song

Warlock Doro - Song - Iron Lady - 1983
Find the sound and the song of Iron Maiden in the Iron Lady song

Maiden song...

Warlock - Three minutes warning

Two minutes... Seconds

Recorded Sept 24th 1985

They are blind, what do they know...´

They want war


Blue Music"
Rua Ruy Gameiro

Ricardo Miguel Santa Paulo Ferreira Russo Pedro...
Zé Paula Carla Xana Marina... ... ...
Massamá Tercena
Filipe Zé Carla Silvia Patricia Henrique...

 U.D.O. - I Give As Good As I Get (official clip, 2011) AFM Records
What´s right´

Sónia Eddie João...
Ricardo Chacal...

                                                       Rui Prazeres                       Ricardo Sónia
                                                                                                   Nuno Hello


What came... it´s all wrong.

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