Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Iron Maiden lyrics and x-rays

The 4400

It´s a crap

I shut my eyes and i think a song lyrics
- The Trooper - Iron Maiden

                                                           Gabriel Hewetik
                                                       Lola Gonçalo Ricardo

                                          I´m going to Hollywood
                                                 You were already there, since a long time ago

G Pink G




The all world is taking drug stores as supermarkets.
Everyone is eating purples and nukes.
Purples, those that in some how are within some kind of interest in a certain time and place.
Why the t job´ Which it´s a lie. Piss and poo in the memory´ The t job its to build a whore´s house in the society, to serve and to be sold in the media, television, newspapers, magazines, Why there´s interest on this. To control the media, the information and the power. So the purple is to be given as a doctor feel good as well a way to get what they want, parties, t whores, sex and drugs, scandals and all that they may sell in the media as business, photos, videos, information, and to have the control of the people.  Exciting people, with drugs, t and whores to do what they may want within own interests.
What they have been doing to their daughters, their mothers, to the kids everywhere´ Whores and spreading diseases.
The media and all the show biz is eating cookies, drinking shots and smelling each others pure aassses in organised parties.
To control the media, they make pression to their own, journalists, reporters, tv presenters.... drugs, sex...

Everyone is in t talking. Drugs and t jobs. Who´s listening people´

Everyone have abilities, Normal abilities. There´s  also some that have t abilities.
Telepathy, mind reading, previsions and visions of a future. Capabilities to move things, as objects, mind, body and people... and the use of it to self control and defence...
There are those that want people to be disable, to be wick...using inhibitors, drugs... money, power, conspiracy... to do their job.
Everyone must be promicin positive. Must be under mind control, must have...t abilities...
Promicin as well he t aasss is some animals sickness and the piece of shit on the 4400 good series.
Everyone must be under the influence. Which it´s good for the animals job and interests.
Pig´s aassss - job - conspiracy
The History of Iron Maiden
Part 2

06 ''They loved Canada''

09 ''The Maiden mania in America''
37.28 - 45.00
GWingd HBus

We don´t have a problem, because there isn´t. Isn´t it your music´ She´s. So, is there any kind of problem with her or with the priest´ The prayer on your soul or in your conscience´ Or is there, because you have been sitting in other places, singing with other bands and flying with an Airbus and not with a Boeing.


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A bridge, a table and highway roads

Kiss my country´s aasss

stars and stripes

what do you think about that´

kids in america

only in america





