Thursday, February 08, 2018

Let them thinking

Flying circus

Amazing, the girl


 John Cleese - How to Irritate People - Airplane Sketch

System cloud - Cloud system


How many tears flow away To become a sea of fears How many hearts are torn apart Till another torment starts
But before the world Turns into a sun All cruelty and violence On earth will be dead and gone
So stand up for our human rights Push back this hate Raise you voice pass on the light And let the woman look up to the eternal skies

My darling

Please return to your seats.

The wings are not on fire

Let the woman look up to the eternal skies

He is just closing the door now. Right.

How irritating mechanic failures are´
The engine drum. How irritating it sounds´

How irritant is this

You´ll find your life a parachute.

Steve Harris - The silly Iron Maiden Pizza job interview


 Ringo Starr, Peter Sellers & John Cleese

 Life Of Brian - 1979 Debate (1/4)

 Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Monty Python's Life Of Brian

Bruce is hoping to sell Hybrids
Steve Harris, Pizzas
Nicko Nicko, Ribbs and Drums


 Family Towers




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