Friday, April 20, 2018

There are fractions / periodes of time in people´s lives where people is not always in the pictures archives.

People remember those times, their faces, their hair and clothing style,  how they were, who they were, what they lived, their lives with family and friends, how they did look like, who do they look like when they see movies where some characters, some people, some histories and those little something's, some little things, as well some silly things come to mind from those times.
People, can see themselves, in other people´s lives, in the movies... 
It´s like life mirrors, in different times and places, there´s always something, someone, somewhere, somewhere in time.

There was not any kind of problems. Everything went well. The things i made, were more or less as i planed to do and as you might know, under my pocket budget. Sleeping in the palace garden benches. Walking through the nights and days. Cold and rain. However there´s a dream, not yet realised, which is to walk in London

with the falling snow on my feets, To play with the snow. As you know, it was new year´s eve, there were thousands and thousands of people in the streets of Helloween. There was magic all over London. It was a march of time, with eagles and horses, not chariots. flying free in Big Ben river fireworks. And a thousand of Cinderellas lightning my mind at midnight. It was a Millellium passage to remember. It was very luxurious and pleasant. Miserable as French people say. Eating in 37 pounds fast food restaurants... sorry, no supermarrkets or street food.
However there was one thing, a fucking women that stoll my kodak machine, aside the parliament in the afternoon. I was with it in my hand and she push it and went away in the middle of a crowd. My reaction was calling her to give it back and then, some guy hold me, one of her friends, maybe and your´s, maybe. and i couldn´t do anything. I search for her but I never saw her again. Looking back, there were some little things, or maybe it was just my imagination and i know it was not. There were some known faces, which i appreciated very much. It was a lovely ... Merry-Me-Go-Round, if it´s what your archives want to tell, lovely walks in London. I have some work to do.

Movies and life´s mirrors



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